Thursday, February 27, 2014


Daily score: 3
just one of those days. woke up grumpy, not enough sleep, not enough water, etc

A. Strict press; 3x3; rest 2 minutes
B. Weighted pull up; build to a 2rm in 3 attempts
C. 10 box jumps 20" x3; rest 90 seconds


for time
Row 500m
50 double unders
Row 500m

A. 75, 85, 95
last time we maxed out I only got 85, so pretty excited that I got 95 for 3
B. 35#
probably could have gone heavier but since there were only 3 attempts, I didn't want to risk it ha
C. complete, I think these were fine


DNF. leg cramps again, just rowed 500m twice. couldn't finish the double unders due to my legs. went and got a gallon of water that I plan to finish by the end of the day!

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